NEW Gold International Diamond – Lee Eun Hwa!!

Late 2018 was a wonderful time for South Korea! They gained a few MORE Gold International Diamonds! One of those being the highly esteemed Lee Eun Hwa! Bonnie Taylor has a few words for Team Bond’s new Gold:

Lee Eun Hwa!
Team Bond is bursting with pride at your Gold Achievement! Many of us have reached this goal in our career, and we know first hand
how much work it takes to make it. Not only that, it takes a special person who can be disciplined, organized and display leadership
to their team so they can make this goal. You have done it all, and we are proud and honored that you are a Team Bond Member of
our family! Another great lesson you have displayed is to work well with all of your upline and your downline. All of them care about your
success and are willing to support you. You want to remember to always edify your upline and downline. Now, I urge you to stay focused, help your own team and go on to Platinum. I know you can do it. I believe in you. Congratulations my sister and friend. – Bonnie Taylor, Platinum International Diamond


Here are some words from Lee Eun Hwa herself:

I have been operating my own restaurant business for the last 20 years, but did not have the freedom of time. I wish the business could run itself, but for the last 20 years I’ve had to run the business myself. I never expected how fast this business could happen with 4life! This is compared to my previous business with which I had no time and I had lost my health too. I will work for my partners’ goals and dreams together! I will be a great leader who influences peoples lives and will be a good role model in 4life. Thank you very much and I love you all. – Lee Eun Hwa, Gold International Diamond


Congratulations Lee Eun Hwa!!!