As you know, we have a Team Bond Call every Monday night for you to bring new prospects, BUT THIS IS CHANGING!! PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF IT. We are now going to use Ray MeurersContinue reading
2013 – The NEW YEAR of Team Bond & 4Life!!
Team Bond & 4Life Bringing in the NEW YEAR!! To our entire 4Life and team Bond Families… Thank you for all the dreams you have created and shared with others all over the world! MayContinue reading
4Life Discovery Seminar of Dec. 2-3, 2012 at STX Resort of Mun Kyung in Korea
This event is 4Life Discovery Seminar of Dec. 2-3 at STX Resort of Mun Kyung in Korea. That seminar came together all Korean members incloud 3 Group(100 persons). Teambond members are 60 and our energyContinue reading
LISTEN NOW!! TEAM BOND 2012 Holiday Call! Hosted by Bonnie Taylor and featuring Amazing Guests!
Team Bond 2012 Holiday Call!! Monday December 10, 2012 8PM PST Call Your Upline For the Number! Note from Platinum… Bonnie Taylor Hello Leaders everywhere in the WORLD….. I am calling on you to putContinue reading
Opportunity Call featuring 4Life V.P. of Field Development, Mark Petersen, Monday December 3, 2012
Team Bond OPPORTUNITY CALL December 3, 2012 Listen to 4Life VICE PRESIDENT of Field Development Mark Petersen Speak About Developing Your 4Life Business and Expanding YOUR 4Life Opportunity! ******** Hosted by Madeline vonder Linden! ThisContinue reading
David and Bianca Lisonbee on TODAY Show!! And 4Life Matches SANDY Donations!
Joining the Toy Drive for needy children is … you guessed it…. David, Bianca.. and 4Life Research! Every year our company gives proudly to the fantastic cause. In other news… 4Life Matches Hurricane Sandy ReliefContinue reading
4Life Opportinuty & Compensation Plan explained by I.N.T.’s Francis Stapleton
As seen world-wide on YouTube, I.N.T.’s Francis Stapleton shares the amazing 4Life Opportunity and explains the fantastic and unmatched 4Life Compensation Plan as it applies to everyone wishing to have a business with residual incomeContinue reading
Apology and NEW NUMBER: Opportunity Call cancelled 4Life V.P. of Communications, Calvin Jolley, Monday November 19, 2012
APOLOGIES… Hi Team… We are so very sorry about the connection problems yesterday to our weekly Opportunity Call. Our service has told us that Hurricane Sandy did so much damage to the phone lines, theyContinue reading
Team Bond OPPORTUNITY Call featuring 4Life Sr. VP TRENT TENNEY!! Monday 11/12 at 8PM PST
Team Bond Opportunity Call Featuring 4Life Sr. Vice President TRENT TENNEY Listen to Trent talk of the importance and value of earning your participation in the Great Escape!! November 11, 2012 8PM PST Get theContinue reading