Important 4Life Product Announcement!!

4Life V.P. Nathan Larsen gives us valuable information regarding our products!The Warning Labels forced upon 4Life have now been proven to be unfounded and are being removed!!NATHAN_LARSEN_010-sized


As a result of additional testing that has been performed on more of our products, we can remove the warning label from the following products. 1) Bio EFA 2) BioGenistein 3) CarbBlx 4) Chito-Lite 5) Citri-Shape 6) CM Super 7) Fibro AMJ Daytime 8) Life C 9) Male Formula 10) Multiplex 11) Glutamine Prime 12) Digestive Enzymes 13) PBGS+ 14) Phytolax 15) ReZoom 16) RioVida Burst 17) RioVida Stix 18) SleepRite 19) Immune Spray Mint 20) Immune Spray Citrus

Nathan Larsen
4Life Vice President of Field Development
