Special Guest Bonnie Taylor’s REVITALIZE Trainings Continue with her Guest Speaker Platinum RAY MEURER August 12, 2013. Just click the play button on the player below… Or, if you’d like to listen to it later…
Category: 4 Trainings
Exclusive Team Bond Trainings
Revitalize #’s 28, 29 & 30 with Bonnie Taylor
Bonnie Taylor’s REVITALIZE Trainings Continue with her latest calls! ********** July 15, 2013 Just click the play button on the player below… Or, if you’d like to listen to it later… ********* July 22, 2013Continue reading
Revitalize #27 with Bonnie Taylor
Bonnie Taylor’s REVITALIZE Trainings Continue with her latest call on July 8, 2013. How To Work With Your New Enrollees! **What steps do you take immediately after enrolling a distributor? **Do you spend time givingContinue reading
Revitalize #26 with Bonnie Taylor
Bonnie Taylor’s REVITALIZE Trainings Continue with her latest call on July 1, 2013. Implementing YOUR Strategy! Just click the play button on the player below… **** **** Or, if you’d like to listen to itContinue reading
Revitalize #25 with Bonnie Taylor
Bonnie Taylor’s REVITALIZE Trainings Continue with her latest call on June 24, 2013. Fortify Yourself! Just click the play button on the player below… **** **** Or, if you’d like to listen to it later…
4Life TEXT’s for Your 4Life Business!!
Opt-in now for 4LifeTexts Convention information, order tracking, product updates, organizational volume, rank advancement notifications, and more will soon be available without calling 4Life® or logging into 4Life Office. Be among the first to opt-inContinue reading
Revitalize #24 with Bonnie Taylor
Bonnie Taylor’s REVITALIZE Trainings Continue with her latest call on June 17, 2013. Defining Your Plan of Action! Just click the play button on the player below… **** **** Or, if you’d like to listenContinue reading
REVITALIZE #23 with Bonnie Taylor
Bonnie Taylor’s REVITALIZE Trainings Continue with her latest call on June 10, 2013. Just click the play button on the player below… **** **** Or, if you’d like to listen to it later…
4Life VP at Platinum Bonnie Taylor’s Home (Team Bond Informal Meeting)
Monday, June 10, 2013 was a very exciting day at the home of both Platinum International Diamond Bonnie Taylor and Gold’s Kurt & Melanie Kuhn! Quite impromptu, a meeting emerged that 4Life VP Nathan LarsenContinue reading