4Life executives launched a 15-Year Anniversary Celebration with a Grand Opening of the company’s new south building at 4Life’s Global Headquarters in Sandy, Utah. 4Life executives were joined by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, Congressman JimContinue reading
Category: Calvin Jolley
Calvin Jolley
4Life Vice President of Communication
Oct. 15, 2012 – 4Life President Hosts Dinner
The night before the fantastic dedication and ribbon cutting of the new 4Life building in Sandy Utah, 4Life President Steve Tew and his wife Sherma Tew graciously hosted an amazing dinner for all the staffContinue reading
October 15, 2012 – 4Life Staff Recognition Luncheon
Every year 4Life recognizes the people who make her heart beat for us all… the staff! The October 15 luncheon was amazing as all the 4Life Executives got up to congratulate each and every staffContinue reading
Opportunity Call featuring 4Life V.P. of Communications, Calvin Jolley, Monday February 27, 2012
Team Bond OPPORTUNITY CALL February 27, 2012 Listen to 4Life VICE PRESIDENT of Communication Calvin Jolley Speak About the International 4Life Opportunity, and about utilizing the many tools 4life and Team Bond have created forContinue reading
LISTEN NOW!! TB Opportunity Call featuring Platinum… BONNIE TAYLOR with 4Life V.P.’s Calvin Jolley & Jaime Pierce!! Monday, August 8, 2011
Team Bond OPPORTUNITY CALL August 8, 2011 Listen to our Up-Line and Team Bond Founder, PLATINUM International Diamond Bonnie Taylor along with her fantastic guest speakers… 4Life Vice President of Communication Calvin Jolley & 4LifeContinue reading