YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! TEAM BOND’S ANNUAL HOLIDAY CALL for our distributors and your guests! Hear from 4LIFE EXECUTIVES HEALTH SCIENCES MEDICAL BOARD TOP LEADERS Monday December 13th, 2010 8 p.m. Pacific timeContinue reading
Category: BTI/TEAM BOND Events
All Events held by Bonnie Taylor, Inc. and Team Bond International
Team Bond “2010 Festival of Nations” Party – Multi Group – HUGE SUCCESS!
Even with Platinum International Diamond, and Hostess Bonnie Taylor not present, the party must go on! This year Bonnie decided to unite the other major groups in 4Life with our Team Bond for a wonderfulContinue reading
Training Seminar in Tokyo, Japan with I.D. Taka Nakayama!!
TAKA NAKAYAMA INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND & WORLD TEAM TRAINER Is hosting a special Training Seminar in Tokyo, Japan July 31, 2010 13:00 to 15:00 Title: How to develop your business with the Team Bond System *Welcome toContinue reading
Team Bond LAS VEGAS Meeting with GID Barbara Wagner!!
TEAM BOND LAS VEGAS MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2010 – 7 P.M. ENGLISH AND SPANISH featuring GOLD INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND BARBARA WAGNER Hosted by Presidential Diamond Madeline von der Linden English and Spanish – presented byContinue reading