Are you getting house fever yet? Here in the United States, we are all staying home each day and it seems to be helping mitigate this virus. It has been tragic for many and this breaks our hearts. This has not been easy and we pray for everyone.
We have repeated our spring-cleaning many times already. It warms my heart to see the many ideas people are implementing for the sake of others. Some are making face masks from their homes, others are creating drive-by birthday parties for their children. What is even more amazing is that once this is announced on Facebook, many strangers drive by with their cars decorated to create a true party for the children. I hope you have all seen the many people in New York City, coming out on their high-rise patios overlooking the hospitals to cheer and sing to the medical teams changing staff daily. The medical teams are the true heroes and we thank them all. We are all growing from this experience and in this world we are all one people at times like this.
So how are you spending your time? Since we are all 4Life and Team Bond International members, I urge you to reflect on your life and especially on your business. Something I continually have trained over the years has been to reflect on what you want and when you want it. Once you find the answer to achieving what you want, and we have found 4Life as our solution (a proven and great solution!), it is important to lay out a plan of action that fits well in your own life and schedule. And, of course, a major part of reflection is to renew your passion for your own goals. Putting all of this together and getting into action is something that can regenerate your business and lead you to success. Your ‘why” and your ‘how,’ combined with your ‘passion’ and ‘action’ is key to most success.
Remember: You will not reach your goals by sitting on the sofa. Even now, you can stay in touch with others through your telephone, your computer, and social media quite effectively. Spend your time building relationships during this crisis. Also, here’s a reminder: What you do this month, will pay off for you next month. If you have done nothing, then you know what to expect next month: zero, zero, zero!
Work smart now for a brighter future! God bless all of you!