Barbara Wagner



Growing up in Germany, I always related the term freedom to the liberty of the United States. This idea was the main reason I came to the United States in the 1980’s. Now I am experiencing the ultimate freedom through 4Life. With this company, my business partners and I are being given the freedom to make choices every day that lead not only to our own success, but more importantly the success of those we support. With 4Life, we are giving them the chance to find their own freedom; freedom of time, health freedom, and financial freedom. Freedom means that people can start believing in their dreams and abilities because someone else believes in them. Freedom means that we can make our dreams a reality. Each of us can take the steps to create a life that is meaningful, while showing others the way through our example. I firmly believe that our individual success with 4Life can go on to reap continued success for others. I will never stop pursuing freedom and giving others the chance to also find their own freedom. Thank you 4Life for this wonderful opportunity and for the chance to learn what freedom means to me and to others.- Barbara Wagner, GID